Vote Tomara DeCosta for Raleigh City Council - District C

Tomara DeCosta for Raleigh City Council District C

Join me in building a better, stronger Raleigh together.

Empowering Raleigh Through Collaboration and Leadership

As a proud and dedicated member of the Republican party, I am honored to announce my candidacy for Raleigh City Council. With a strong passion for serving our community, I am eager to bring positive change and effective leadership to our city. I believe in the power of hard work, individual responsibility, and the importance of fiscal conservatism, and I am dedicated to representing the voices and concerns of all residents. Through transparency, collaboration, and a focus on common-sense solutions, I am determined to make our city a better place for all. I am excited to engage with voters, listen to their needs, and work tirelessly to create a bright future for our community. I humbly ask for your support and the opportunity to serve as your representative on the city council.